17 septembre 2012, im officially a student in l'Universite de Franche Comte :)
i was pretty excited at first. tapi bile harinye sampai, mia nervous gile2. our first class starts at 2pm. i woke up at 5am, pastu xdpt nk tido balek.. makan cookies, tgk totally spice, tgk malcolm in the middle,.. tp ngalir2 air mate.. -"monday blues" they said-.. haha. weirdo! pastu dlm sedih2 tu, jantung rase degup2 gile.. nervous nk msok U. rase cm x ready je..
i was pretty excited at first. tapi bile harinye sampai, mia nervous gile2. our first class starts at 2pm. i woke up at 5am, pastu xdpt nk tido balek.. makan cookies, tgk totally spice, tgk malcolm in the middle,.. tp ngalir2 air mate.. -"monday blues" they said-.. haha. weirdo! pastu dlm sedih2 tu, jantung rase degup2 gile.. nervous nk msok U. rase cm x ready je..
our first two classes were a lil difficult sbb lecturer die bkn francais.
So french accent die pelik sket, pastu die ckp laju, pastu bdk prancis
yg dok blakang plak memekak. rase tension sgt.. dahla hati x tenang sbb
cuak.. so mmg x phm pape la ckgu tu ckp.. seb baek die cume kasi intro
psl class tu je.. kot? haha. after 4 hours of classes, hari pertama pon
tamat.. it was scary & stressful.. so balek class tu i bought
myself an ice cream to cheer me up! hehe :)
second day was great, as i finally get to learn something im good at : English! haha. ni jela subject yg kte boleh jd agy hebat dr budak2 french nie.. hehe. senyum2 je spanjang klas nie! haha.
day blaja probability plak! damn... dah bpe taon x blaja maths? rase
mcm pelik gile bile lecturer sebut nombor2.. pastu explaination die laju
gile plak tu! mati nk amek note :(
susah mane pon maths tu, subject paling susah ialah HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE. ini memang subject pembunuh! just imagine kesusahan blaja sejarah europe + sastera europe. (yang malaysia pye pon seksa nk blaja) pastu ditambah plak ngan kepayahan nk paham bahase prancis. Bergenang2 gak la airmate dlm klas 2 jam tu. haha.
despite all the difficulties, mia still rase relax sket la bile klas cume 19 jam smggu, and cume 12 mggu tiap semester. So just sabar, doa & tawakal jela. Insyaallah dpt completekn 2 tahun agy blaja kt cni :)
susah mane pon maths tu, subject paling susah ialah HISTOIRE LITTERAIRE. ini memang subject pembunuh! just imagine kesusahan blaja sejarah europe + sastera europe. (yang malaysia pye pon seksa nk blaja) pastu ditambah plak ngan kepayahan nk paham bahase prancis. Bergenang2 gak la airmate dlm klas 2 jam tu. haha.
despite all the difficulties, mia still rase relax sket la bile klas cume 19 jam smggu, and cume 12 mggu tiap semester. So just sabar, doa & tawakal jela. Insyaallah dpt completekn 2 tahun agy blaja kt cni :)
so kak mia pny first year kat sne tu ape ? foundation ke ?? keliru sat. huhuhu
chaiyok2 mia! hahhaa...sama habit cm aq...bila rasa sedih or stress makan aiskrim...=P
ZA: last year preparation utk msok U. amek exam utk kelayakkan msok U. diz year ktorg direct msok ke second year university. tu yg btambah susah nk catch up. huhu
AIRIL: kannnn?? dpt eskrem je happy blek! ;p
ouh...macam tu.. ngatkn trus masuk U.. hohoho.. anyway, good luck and all the best with ur studies kmia !! :D
Mia, no need to be scared. Senang je kelas2 dekat fac tu, you're a smart girl. Mesti boleh lepas like senang sahaja. Ok? Btw, kelas probability tu relax je k. Kalau the prof nama dia Viprey, jgn risau dia akan buat examen blanc sebelum exam betul nanti. Sinon, kalau cikgu yg lagi satu tu nama dia Virginie Lethier, do focus time kelas dia.
Lupakan semua masalah negara, just focus in the class. Bila focus, u don't even have to study dah kat kelas. InsyaAllah boleh k Mia.
ZA: time kaseh adek ;)
JESS: i dpt both, Viprey for CM & TD, Lethier for TD je. okay ching2 thanks a lot for the tips! glad to know there's examen blanc. so xla tkejot sgt nti :)
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