Friday, November 30, 2012

less is best

sabtu lepas, mia, nabila & athir gy Nyumi pye graduation day. The grand Micropolis hall was filled by 144 master graduates and their family (atok nenek yg bertongkat2 pon join skali taw..) According to the tentative, the ceremony should start at 1.30pm. and finish at 5.30pm. However, kegedikkan mereka2 ni amek gamba kt luar dewan, membuatkn majlis start lambat... so it started at 2.30.

ktorg dah runsing sket, takot abes lambat. dah la skang ni pkul 5 dah gelap. Plus, dorg ni lgsg xde raptai ke ape walaupon utk event besar. so ktorg imagine cm agak kelam kabut sket & lambat la majlis tu. So pkul 2.30 majlis pon start.. takde pape pengumumam masok VIP ke, music2 gamelan ke ape.. tbe2 je VIP sume dah muncul ats pentas. first skali ucapan director: 10 mins. (kire agak lame gak sbb die kne promote skolah ENSMM tu). lpas tu ucapan 2 org agy : they took only about 3 mins each!  rase cm best gile sbb telinge x terseksa dengar ucapan ber-page2..

pastu ade performance dr student ENSMM. ok part ni paling best. Before pnyampaian sijil for every courses, akan ade selingan performance lbey kurang 5 mins je. performance dorg sempoi gile. ade yg "rap" pasal lawak2 cliché kt skolah dorg, ade yg wat parody tv programme la, ade performance from their school band, pastu cheerleading perfomance, last skali ade game "who wants to be a millionaire" yg siap ade participation audience agy (utk vote jwpn yg btol) huhu. i think those performances are so simple.. yet, so interesting to watch!

oh, pasal penyampaian sijil plak, baju graduates nye pon biase2 je. jubah mmg jgn harap.. ramai pkai blazer pon dah kire untung. huhu. even director die pon slambe je pkai sweater. ade graduate lelaki pkai shirt je. ade yg pkai blazer, x pkai tie. ade yg pkai blazer, tp pkai jeans & snickers. yg graduates ppuan agy le, pkai short dress sukati je. sleeveless pon die tibai je. huhu. tp dorg ni bgos la gak sbb xyah ade raptai pon. die just tampal list of courses kt pintu masok, pastu pandai2 la nk gy backstage bile turn course dorg. pastu sijil byk2 tu pon slamber je masok dlm clear folder. pastu pemberi sijil tu pegang folder tu, so bile sebut name, die just cabot sehelai tu drpdr folder, pastu kasi. hahaha. lawak gile. padahal kt Msia setiap sijil tu die letak dlm casing keras kot.. siap ade "wanita pemegang dulang" yg memegang sijil2 yg berat tu. haha.

So, dgn x sangka2, event yg spatutnye abes 5.30, abes pkul 4.30 walopun start lewat sejam. hebat kn? xdela nk buang mase byk2.. kte pon xde la kematu bontot duduk dlm dewan tu lame2. huhu.
Tapi xley la disamekn ngan negara kte, Msia ni byk adat, kte bangga ngan budaya kte. and rasenye itu la pon speciality kte kn? kalo kte x preserve adat budaya kte ni, kte jd samelah ngan org2 puteh ni. hilang la sume ke-unique-an kte nti.. x best la cmtu.. kn?

tapi... kalo ucapan kt Msia dipendekkan,, boleh je kot? x langgar adat pon kn? hehe  =)

p/s: enjoy your days in Malaysia! miss you  ^_^

Saturday, November 17, 2012

the truth

...about my king size bed.

nothing much to say actually. Just wanna share some stories about my katil. huhu. I just realised that i spend most of my time on bed. tengok tv, makan, minom, wat keje, tido.. sume atas katil. Since my studio house is not so big, pastu gatai2 pkai katil beso, 70% of the floor is already covered by my bed. So, kalo lepak ats katil tu, lbey kurg cm lepak atas lantai umah la kot.. heeeee.
oh, and this morning i realised that all these while i've been using less than half of my bed to sleep.

whatever it is, i know i'm damn happy spending my time on this huge bed of mine.
love it sooo much that i miss it whenever i leave for vacation.
mesti sgt2 sedih bile balek Msia nti.. kne tggalkn die :'(

Sunday, November 4, 2012

being transparent

im not that kind of person who likes to lie, and to hide things
. . .and i consider that as my weakness.

Some people just love being hypocryte. Tryin'na show their best side, and hide all the crimes they did, just to make a good impression, and sometimes to gain more trust. Sadly, society nowadays is too blind to see those hypocrites who live among them. So they keep adoring them, praising them, believing them. I feel sorry for the society, and i feel benci for those hypocrites.

the reason i write this entry is bcoz it's getting more obvious lately, yang society prefers org2 hypocrite drpd those who show their real colours. So, i consider being honest as a mistake that brings so many consequences. hmm.. how terrible is that?! mia x sure la mia ni naive sgt or ape (err.. adela certain yg pggil mia blonde) mia suke ngaku je sume psl mia.. (eventho kdg2 it's not a good thing) tapi admit jela, dah mmg kte wat. nk tipu watpe? kadang2 mia geram tgk org yg bajet baek ni taw.. bukan stakad x ngaku wat salah, tp siap condemn org agy! semate2 nk show good image, and to get people's trust. Come on,, ur friends are not blind..!! (i know what u did last summer.. tetibe!) xnak ngaku sbb nk jage name. or nk jage saham? xpela kalo nk jage name or whatsoever.. tp xyah nk la kutuk org.. sendiri pon wat, nk kutuk2 watpe? rase nk cepuk je :(

oh, another point.. org2 hypocrite ni slalunye dikurniakan wajah yg innocent & lembut je.. thats y dorg ni mudah dipercayai.. dan sbb tula muke mia yg jahat ni slalu je di pandang serong oleh masyarakat (dramatik gile ayat.. haha) pelik tapi benar.. since skolah menengah agy mia dah prasan.. org yg x byk cakap, pastu muke baik, pakai baju sopan, mesti confem2 akn dianggap baek je all the time. sentiase lah disayangi masyarakat.. Maybe because im loud, i talk too much, i overly-enjoyed my life.. does that make me look bad? is that how we judge people? ohhh,, malang lah mia kalo cmtu.. coz i love to cheer up people's life, i love to make them laugh.. i keep my sadness & problems to myself.. u can hardly see me cry, bcoz i spilt all my tears on my bed.. i dont need anyone's sympathy.. i just want them to see me happy. but most people misjudged me.. they thought i was too happy so they give me problems & hurt my feelings. they talk bad about me, & they critisize me for being who i am? for being cheerful? for being outspoken?

Frankly speaking, mia sgt disappointed dgn environment mia skang. kutuk2 & spread stories about people as if we have no heart. Im tired of listening to what people say about me, tired of taking care of their feelings coz they'll never care about mine. people talk, so i'll just let them talk.. if dorg ckp mende yg x betul, god will punish them. if mia yg x betul, im the one who'll be punished. as simple as that :)

p/s: kalo dri tu dah baek sgt, xyahlah kutuk2 org yg x baek,, kn lebih baek kte doakan die jd baek jugak?